
3 Fashion Faux Pas & How to Avoid Them -千万要说NO的3种时

作者: 时间:2018-05-16 19:36:06 点击:
3 Fashion Faux Pas & How to Avoid Them |千万要说NO的3种时尚忌讳 When it comes down to personal style, we shouldn’t let others dictate what speaks to us. BUT there are some key fashion faux pas that could definitely screw up the outfits of even the most fashion forward ladies out there.costa工作服当触及穿衣风格时,我们1定要坚持自己的品味,而不被他人左右。但是,就算是站在时尚最前沿的女性也可能21世纪不动产职业工作服因犯以下忌讳,不幸

When it comes down to personal style, we shouldn’t let others dictate what speaks to us. BUT there are some key fashion faux pas that could definitely screw up the outfits of even the most fashion forward ladies out there.


The next time you find yourself sliding into fashion faux pas territory, keep in mind our top 3 fashion mistakes & how to avoid them.


1.VPL (Visible Panty Lines):映入眼帘的内裤线

Honestly, tighty whiteys were never “in style”, there just weren’t always so many options. Now that we have access to a variety of underwear, there’s really no excuse for VPL. They’re s工作服定做长春
imply unflattering & will detract from any look.

说实在的,3角裤历来都不是甚么时尚的宠儿。只不过早时候,人们没有那末多的款式可选罢了。现如今各种各样的内裤使人琳€€满目。像这类穿紧身裙/裤就会勾画出VPL(模糊可见的内裤线)的3角裤,千万要say NO! 否则,不但破坏了你的美好背影,也只能留给路人1脸的为难了。

Quick fix: Our 2 favorite brands of undies are f陈赫火锅店工作服
rom Uniqlo & Hanky Panky. Hanky Panky thongs feature a wider bottom so it won’t feel like you’re wearing butt floss, but if you prefer to steer clear of thongs entirely, Uniqlo’s seamless panties does the trick!

解决方案:最受小编心水的内裤分别来自优衣库和Hanky Panky(汉基帕基)这两个品牌。Hanky Panky的宽底丁字裤不但精致又舒适,穿起来屁股后面不至于像被1条棉线切割着;如果你本能地抗拒丁字裤的话,那末优衣库的无缝无痕裤就是你的不2之选啦!

2.Skin Colored Pantyhose: 对肉色打底裤说NO

We choose to wear tights for a variety of reasons; maybe we don’t like to show off our legs, they’re good for cold weather or they can make an outfit more office appropriate. BUT nude stockings, up there among one of fashion’s worst creations, put you at risk of looking like an elderly church-goer. They’re dated & far too often aren’t the right shade for our skin-tone.


Quick fix: Opt for more current or chic options like black stockings… or printed tights… or just wear pants! Additionally, wearing a combination of black tights w/ black shoes will help elongate the legs!


3. Poor Posture 不良姿式,气质全无

Posture isn’t often pinpointed as a fashion faux pas per se however it can really change the way your clothing looks. Posture is important for first impressions (& to help avoid future back pain). Good posture displays confidence & allows your clothing to hang properly.


Quick fix: If you’re in an office all day, try to take some time each day to focus onsitting up straight. We also recommend using a foam roller for about 5 minutes a day €€ morning & night.


We’ve all fallen victim to fashion faux pas at some point in ou书记员检察院的工作服
r lives, but this doesn’t mean we’re at a complete loss. This simply serves as a reminder that even the minor details, like proper undergarments or standing up straight, can determine how flattering an outfit looks.


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Editor in Chief: Rui Cheng

Writer: Moira McNally

Photos:homegymr.com, httrittenhousespine.com, nydailynews.com

Translator: Kaili Chou